FAQs - Artist

1.  Why would I pay to join the Contemporary Art Network?
Because you will be paying for targeted marketing to potential collectors of your work. You also pay for exclusivity thereby not getting lost in the shuffle of hundreds of artists being represented through millions of images. You will stand out from the crowd!

2.  How will the network find its collectors?
The network is already connected to resources that can cultivate the kind of market that collectors who seriously buy art find themselves in. It’s a matter of putting the word out to those resources….but some examples would be – attending marketing events and lectures geared towards higher-end markets, targeted social media marketing, and advertising in publications geared towards a collector market.

3.  How will C.A.N. be promoted?
Word of mouth to start, and through social media. Artists’ works considered for C.A.N. will be vetted as best possible so that only the highest quality of the works is accepted. And, again, we will promote through partnering with other groups that cater to a high-end marketplace.

4.  Isn’t this just another online gallery?
NO! While there are many online galleries artists are listed on (too many to name here), C.A.N. is different because it is highly selective by the region in which the artist lives and sustains their studio practice. C.A.N. encourages the real live connections between collectors and artists in a given region so that relationships can be formed and sustained.  Also, C.A.N. is not a dealer therefore does not take a commission from sales. Most other online galleries take commission and if they don’t, they expect the artists to do all of the leg-work of installing their works on their websites at the expense of being part of a vast sea of artists….hard to find and again, lost in the shuffle.

5.  What if I can’t afford the membership fee?
Artists who are accepted into the network and choose to become members understand that they have a business like any other business. Marketing is important in order to stand out and make the sale. This is a business expense. It’s that simple. Artists use C.A.N. as their marketing arm to connect with targeted collectors and as a way to avoid random people who want to kick tires and move on.

6.  I already have a large following on social media and my website. Why would I want to be a C.A.N. member too?
C.A.N. offers a place for focused viewing of the artists’ works. Social presence is great for repetitive name-recognition but it might be nice to have a place where some slower looking can happen. Personal artists websites are useful but often only as online portfolios and are typically not used as a selling tool.

7.  I already have a gallery that represents me. Why would I need C.A.N.?
Indeed, you may not have the need to use C.A.N. if you are comfortable having your gallery represent you and negotiate commission structures and fees with you, handle marketing and grow it for you, and advise you on what they can and cannot sell of your work. Some traditional gallery models still work.

8.  What is the difference between C.A.N. and a co-op-style gallery?
Co-op galleries often, in addition to the artist paying to be a part of it, require work time from the artist to maintain administrative functions of the gallery. There are many co-op gallery models out there that are wonderful. But they depend on the artists to make things happen in the gallery….hanging shows, admin work, helping with PR, all of the tasks a traditional gallery pays employees to do. That’s all fine if the artist has the time but C.A.N. hopes it can afford its artists the time and space to focus on their work and keep their studio practices as the #1 priority.

9.  How will I know that the potential collector of my work is really interested or just a random person kicking tires?
Hence the membership requirement of not only the artists but the collectors. Everyone will have a member number. Think of C.A.N. as sort of an exclusive network where not everyone can participate. Yes, it’s pay-to-play but that’s the only way we see that will attract serious people. Many artists we know have been spammed out of money and time online being led on by a supposedly interested buyer. One of the great things about technology is that it offers wide access to the world but along with that comes the interlopers looking to rip people off.

10.  What if I don’t want strangers coming to my studio for studio visits?
That’s your prerogative and that’s ok. We can advise you on finding a public space in which you can show your work to an interested party in person.

11.  Do I have to pay to submit my work for consideration?
No, you don’t. Submission is FREE but very competitive with calls for artists open only during certain times of the year and by a deadline. If accepted, C.A.N. will notify you and you then can decide if you’d like to become a member.

12.  What is the biggest benefit of being a C.A.N. member?
C.A.N. will help you build relationships between yourself and collectors. Typically, people buy work from artists who they have some familiarity with. We want to help you cultivate these relationships and give you exposure in a very targeted and focused way so that you stand out and not get lost in the scroll-bys of social media. We also feel that you should keep all of the money from your sales…you earned it!